原有格局被重新排列,整理出精緻且完備的更衣梳化機能。我們慣例使用透明的材質延伸空間,鏡面的反射拓展視覺。灰階的色調沉穩情緒,潔白的素材舒展尺度,唯獨主餐桌上精心挑選的三盞靈魂吊燈,細膩的扁平邊緣微微露出 沙漠玫瑰粉
The original layout rearranged anew, A refined and complete wardrobe and sofa function. As usual, we use Transparent materials to extend the space, Mirrored reflections expand our vision, Gray-scale hues bring a calm mood, Clean white materials stretch the scale, Only three carefully selected pendant lights on the dining table, Delicate flat edges slightly revealed, In the hue of desert rose.